"There is little character development." Caving is very focused. Here are some typically unfair remarks and why these are so. What disturbs me is that many of the reviewers of the movie to date miss the point of the film and show an ignorance of what caves and caving are like. However, individually accidents do happen, although they are relatively rare because cavers strictly abide by established safety rules. It is unlikely that such a string of events would ever be encountered by a single caving expedition. This makes for an exhausting tale in which the audience feels the tense and claustrophobic situations. It reminds me of the classic and entertaining cliff- hanger movies of old. But in Sanctum, all of these have been combined, one after another, and continually pose challenges and demand solutions. Each situation is believable on its own merit and has happened at one time or another in caving. Sanctum is an adventure thriller that consists of a long string of incidents, dilemmas, and solutions. This story shows what can go wrong with each of these if care is not taken or if safety is ignored. Nearly every activity in caving is included in this epic, such as climbing, rappelling and other rope work, squeezing and negotiating tight passageways, and of course cave diving. That having been said, Sanctum takes some liberties to create an exciting story. In fact, Wight was a survivor of the Nullarbor event and is an experienced caver and diver.

Therefore, I can attest to the great care that the director Alister Grierson and writer-producer Andrew Wight have taken to provide realism to the cave setting. As one who has spent over 45 years exploring and studying caves in over 35 states and several countries, I am familiar with modern caving in some of the great cave systems on the planet and I personally know many of the cavers who are making new discoveries every year.

Most movie goers may not recognize the authenticity of the techniques and equipment used in the film. Sanctum is about caving, an adventure sport that is practiced by knowledgeable and safety-minded people throughout the world.
And it is not a fantasy underground adventure like the recent remakes of Journey to the Center of the Earth and Alice in Wonderland. There are no monsters, weird creatures, on humanoid inhabitants, such as are found in the recent films, The Cave, The Cavern, and Descent (Parts 1 and 2). Although released in 2-D, 3-D, and IMAX formats, Sanctum is not a science fiction or horror movie. It is not a documentary, but designed to be a realistic, albeit embellished, account that includes non-stop action as the team is faced with its deadly situations and decisions. The movie is inspired by an actual flood event in an extensive cave in the Nullarbor Plain of Australia in 1988. Sanctum is an action thriller involving exploration of an extensive, world-class cave system in Papua New Guinea.